organic sculpturing
The organic sculpture envisions a coral structure inspired by natural growth patterns to infill the interspaces of a subterranean computer pool. The sculpture provides the room with sunlight and natural air and therefore creates a connection to the outside world in the isolated computer hub.
The final sculpture was created using the Rhino plugin „Grasshopper – Generative Modeling” with 3d Voronoi and minimal surface calculations to achieve a variable setting for each interspace in the room, defined by the light conditions from outside and the arrangement of the workstations in the room.
The smooth, natural language is supported by new digital design techniques and manufacturing processes, rather than a traditional repetitive pattern. Therefore the natural growth pattern (in this case a 3D Voronoi), similar to that of a coral reef was combined with minimal surface calculations. Within the Grasshopper-script the density, dimensions and quantity of nodes could be adjusted to provide maximum space efficiency and light trasmitting.